Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Top 3 Recommended Authors

My recommended top 3 authors on subjects ranging from economy, business, finance and general management/philosophy are based on the following criteria:

1) After reading the book, you would have a great feeling of being "enlightened" or prompt you to have a complete re-assessment of your views of the world or approach to life, finance or management, i.e. the book has a profound impact on me.

2) The Author has produced more than one good work and every book which you have read by the same Author gives you the same excitement.

3) The book is grounded in practicality and is based on real-life experience, i.e. practical and realistic.

Based on the above criteria, my list of top 3 authors are as follows (with no order of preference):

1) Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The words that I would use to describe Nassim Nicholas Taleb is brilliant, frank and unconventional. His two books, "The Black Swan" and "Fooled by Randomness" are simply brilliant and he certainly explained a lot of questions which have always puzzled me and opened up my mind. To me, an Author who is able to open up my mind and made me questions a lot of the established rules/norms are very important and for that, Nassim Nicholas Taleb's books are a must read for me.

2) Malcolm Gladwell

Books by Malcolm Gladwell is so easy to read and insightful. That is not surprising since he introduced the concept of tipping point to the world. His four books books, "The Tipping Point", "Blink", "Outliers" and "What the Dog Saw" are all classics and should be in everybody's book shelf.

3) Tim Harford

Tim Harford made economic relevant to everyone and explained economic concepts using simple language and practical examples. His works are also easy to read, practical and insightful. The book, "The Undercover Economist" is one of my must read book. His other works such as "Logic of Life" and "Adapt" continue Mr. Hardford's previous good works on how to present important but sometimes "dry" subject in an easy to read format.

That's it folks. Just my humble opinion on three of my favourite Authors. You may have different opinions and I would like to hear your opinions and look forward to be introduced to other great works.

Take care and may the year of the snake brings you good health and joy. Happy Chinese New Year.

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